The United States will have enough Covid-19 vaccine doses to cover every adult by mid-May, according to President Joe Biden. This new assessment is earlier than the end-of-May deadline the President spoke about a week ago.
With more vaccine being produced, New York is adding 10 more Mass Vaccination Sites including several in the Hudson Valley.
Getting appointments is still a challenge, but this too will improve so keep checking in.
I am concerned about people saying they don’t want the vaccine, or are fearful giving their immigration status or are undocumented.
First, getting vaccinated not only protects your health, but the health of your family, friends and co-workers. You do not want to pass this potentially life threatening virus to others.
Secondly, when you go to your appointment you are only required to prove your live or work here, and are eligible.
Many forms of ID are accepted, including:
- An employee ID card or badge
- A letter from an employer or affiliated organization
- A pay stub
If you are eligible due to their age, you need proof of age and proof of residence in New York, using one of these:
- State driver’s license or non-driver ID
- Birth certificate issued by a state or local government
- Current U.S Passport or valid foreign passport
- Permanent resident card
- Certificate of Naturalization or Citizenship
- Life insurance policy with birthdate
- Marriage certificate with birthdate
- Statement from landlord
- Current rent receipt or lease
- Mortgage records,
Any two of the following:
- Statement from another person
- Current mail
- School records
This is a long list because we want everyone, no matter the status, go get vaccinated. So please make an appointment and in the meantime wear a mask and stay safe. If you need assistance please call my office at 914-779-8805
Nader Sayegh