Assemblyman Nader Sayegh: Yonkers COVID Mass Vaccination Site Open
The opening of the COVID-19 Mass Vaccination Site in Yonkers will help our city overcome the scourge of the pandemic. It is crucial for your health, the health of your families and co-workers and the health of our community, that you take advantage of the increasing opportunities to get vaccinated.
Please call 1-833-697-4829 or go to this weblink and make an appointment.
If you need help navigating the appointment process, call your City Council member, County Legislator or my office (914-779-8805) where staffers can help. Collectively, we have assisted hundreds of Yonkers residents in making vaccination appointments.
I want to thank the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the NY National Guard, Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart Cousins and Governor Andrew Cuomo for recognizing the need for a Yonkers Mass Vaccination Site, and also the Yonkers Police Department assisting with traffic control so people can take advantage of free parking.
To view my video on the opening of the Yonkers Mass Vaccination Site click this link:
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