Covid 19SaludWestchester

Quarantine Protocol for COVID-19

Westchester County Department of Health
Quarantine Protocol for 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)

1. I will remain at my location for the duration of the quarantine period.
2. I am not permitted to attend work or school outside my home. I will not visit enclosed public spaces (grocery stores, drugstores, department stores, shopping malls, theaters, religious services, community centers) or attend any social gatherings.
3. WCDH staff may contact me at least daily to check my condition and symptoms during the quarantine period. During the quarantine period, WCDH may make unannounced visits.
4. If I am housed together with family or others then such household members are permitted to remain in the home but will not be permitted to leave the home. Other non-household members/visitors are not permitted in my living quarters. I will not share my bed, bedroom or bathroom with household members and will keep my bedroom door closed. I will not eat
in the same room with household members and I will not share linens, towels, eating utensils, cups and plates. I will limit my time in common household area such as bathrooms and kitchens.
5. Persons in the household can walk outside their house on their own property, but they must not come within six feet of neighborhoods or other members of the public. Persons living in a multiple dwelling may not utilize common stairways or elevators to access the outside. Likewise you need to refrain from walking in your neighborhood.
6. All household members will be informed of my quarantine status.
7. Garbage should be bagged and left outside by door for pickup.
8. If I have a fever of ≥100.4°F/≥38.0°C (or feel feverish) or develop any other symptoms of 2019-nCoV infection, I will call my medical provider or if I don’t have a provider I will call the WCDH: (866) – 588-0195.


Symptoms include:
• fever
• cough
• shortness of breath
• any other lower respiratory symptoms

9. If I, or any household member, experiences a life threatening condition, call 911 and notify the caller that a person in the living quarters is under quarantine for 2019-nCoV infection so that responders can take proper precautions.
10. I am aware that if I become symptomatic or ill, those persons staying with me in my living quarters, may be subject to mandatory quarantine and I may be subject to isolation.
11. I will notify the WCDH of any needed care or services such as food, supplies, medicine or other supports that I require by calling 866-588-0195
12. I, or my legal guardian, may contact the WCDH for any questions or concerns with this protocol. Please contact the number above.

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