
Anne Bianchi receives support at Westchester Democratic Committee convention!

On Wednesday February 15th at 7:30 pm, the Executive Committee of the Westchester County Democratic Committee convened at the Sonesta Hotel in White Plains to nominate the 2023 Westchester County Court Candidate. Several County Court hopefuls were given an opportunity to speak and withdrew their names from consideration.

Ultimately, Anne Bianchi, a supervisor from the Legal Aid Society with over 30 years of legal experience was nominated and unanimously voted in to be the endorsed Democratic candidate. Bianchi, a Mount Kisco resident, made history last night, becoming the first woman to run for the county court from the Legal Aid Society.


Bianchi has significant felony trial experience. In addition she has successfully argued before both the New York State Supreme Court, Appellate Division, 2nd Department, and the New York State Court of Appeals. As a supervising attorney at the Legal Aid Society Bianchi is responsible for the oversight of 500 cases annually.

Photos by Anne Bianchi for Westchester

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